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The reason behind the popularity of Python, an object oriented and interpreted high level programming language is primarily the simplified and easy syntax it offers. This apparently minimizes the program maintenance and harps upon readability. Better known as glue scripting language, the fact apparently is that it is quite useful for development of industrial strength software’s though thought of otherwise.
It is even older that the other popular programming language Java and has maintained its attraction with the self proclaimed pythonistas or fans of it, since its inception. They love it for it provides them with a productivity boost due to its amazingly speedy edit-test-debug cycle, null compilation and null segmentation fault for either of the reasons, be it bad input or even a bug. Further, it raises an exception in case any error is found by the interpreter.

For new-bees in the programming arena, python offers an easy way in with super clarity syntax that s highly approachable and even more readable as compared to Java or C programming for that matter. Here is a list of facts of Python with respect to other softwares like Java, C, C++ and Peril, the one it is compared to most.python logo

  1. Python is an open source programming language available for free just like Perl.
  2. It provides ready support with Modules, objects and mechanisms of re-usability.
  3. It can be easily integrated with C and Java and offers great extensibility as well.
  4. Program development in Python is speedy and easy, precisely python programs are 3-5 times shorter than Java Programs.
  5. Python buffs can create interactive Web pages, modify and update them faster with the help of one of the popular content management frameworks in open source called Zope.
  6. Python programs run at a slow speed compared to Java programs but on the flip side the time taken to develop a Python program is almost 3-5 times less than a Java program. The two offer a deadly combination with Java being a low level implementation language and Python, a glue language.
  7. Python and Perl belong to the same background but the difference is in their philosophies. While Python is about offering support for common programming methodologies, Perl’s emphasis is more on the common application oriented tasks. Well, Python hasn’t been able to out class Perl but none the less compared to Perl’s niche, its applicability is undoubtedly more.
  8. Similar to comparisons drawn between Python and Java, Python is known to have 5-10 times shorter codes than C++. Practically speaking a program that uses python could be completed in 3 months while the same program could take upto a years time when made using in C++, that’s the difference.
  9. One of the cons that works against python, is lack of availability of Python developers in sizable numbers as compared to languages like Java.
  10. Python does not provide packaged solutions like PHP that offers a variety of products like chat servers, instant messenger and more. Hence, PHP has spread its wings over the enterprise software marketplace while Python is lagging behind in the arena.
  11. There are few cons that works against Python in ways more than one. This includes unavailability of published material, reference material or accessible documentation, primitiveness of its database access layer, complexity in creating GUI’s to name a few.

Having said that, if a question arises on whether Python is a good programming language or not.? It would be better to say that it probably varies from business to business applications. For example if PHP is what most of your applications run on, then it is advisable to stick to PHP. Alternatively, if you are in dire requirement of umpteen applets, interfaces, apps, etc, having a strong base of Java, Python can prove to be a booster dose to make programming speedier.

Also, one fact that cannot be denied or overlooked is that Python is definitely one of the fastest programming languages with maximum readability and syntax clarity.

ACSCE conducted seminar on Technical Talk about Python in Today’s World


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