24 Aug 2016
NSS Eye Donation Awareness Program
Date : 24/08/2016
Time : 11.30 AM-12.30 PM
Venue : ACSCE Auditorium
About the Programme:
The NSS Unit of ACSCE has organized an Eye Donation Awareness program in association with RajaRajeswari Medical College and Hospital (RRMCH), Bengaluru, on 24/08/2016 in ACSCE Auditorium. Mr. M.S. Shivakumar, NSS Programme Officer & Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry stood as the Event Co-Ordinator and successfully well organized this function. The above event was well supported by the faculty members Dr. Veena B.H, Dr. Selvanandan, Dr. Pradeepa S.M, Mr. Raghavendra K, Dr. Pradeep Kumar K.T, Mr. Venkatesh T and Mrs. Anandhi. The NSS Volunteers and the Students of ACSCE were participated enthusiastically.
The programme begins with welcome address by Dr. Bhavyashree and she welcomes Dr. Koushal, HOD, Dept. of Opthalmology, Dr. Shivakumar and their team to the program. Dr. Shivakumar has given an eye Donation Awareness Presentation.During his presentation he explains about
- Eye Donation and How is this helpful?
- Why should our eyes be donated?
- Who all can donate their eyes?
- What is the procedure?
- Whom should we contact to donate eyes?
- Steps to take care for donation of the eyes, What is an eye bank?, and
Finally, he suggested us to TAKE CARE OF OUR EYES Because THEY ARE GOD’S GIFT TO BE PASSED ON.
Finally, more than 150 students from various branches of ACSCE had given the pledge to donate their eyes and in order to save two blinded persons. We acknowledge the continuous support of our Management (RRGI) for conducting the program
Events List
- International Women’s Day Celebration
- Expert Talk on Soft Skills & Interview Skills Development.
- Seminar on “Embedded Systems and Automotive Software (AI & Gen AI)”
- Seminar on “AICTE Funding Opportunities and the Need for Incubation Cells at HEIs”
- Guest lecture on Advancements in Space Propulsion
- Seminar on Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
- Seminar on R&D in Supersonic Aircrafts
- Awareness on GATE Exam Guidance
- Industrial Visit to BAIL
- SDP/ Value Added Program on ANSYS/MATLAB