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23 Aug 2016

NSS Plantation Camp

Date : 23/08/2016

Time : 10.00 AM-2.00 PM

Venue : ACSCE College Road

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About the Programme:

The NSS Unit of ACSCE has conducted a Plantation Camp on 23/08/2016 in ACSCE College Road. The Camp was started at 10.00 AM in the morning. The Principal Dr. M.S. Murali inaugurated the camp by planting and watering a plant. After that he addressed all the volunteers about the importance and benefit of this type of camps. Mr. M.S. Shivakumar, NSS Programme Coordinator & HOD Dept. of Chemistry, motivated the students and volunteers. The faculty members like Dr. Pradeepa S.M, Mr. Venkatesh, Dept. of Chemistry, Mr. Raghavendra K, Dept. of Mathematics have very actively participated & involved in the Camp throughout the day. Senior faculty members such as Dr. Selvanandan, Dept. of Physics, Dr. Veena B.H, dept. of maths, Dr. C.S. Pillai, Dept. of CSE have also encouraged us during the camp. More importantly, more than 30 NSS volunteers from various branches of ACSCE have attended & carried the camp very enthusiastically with lot of interest. During the camp we have successfully planted around 75 plants. At the end of the day, Our management (RRGI), encouraged and appreciated our work. The NSS unit of ACSCE thanks the management for their continuous support and appreciation for all our activities. Finally, the above mentioned camp was also appreciated by the localities and the passengers who are travelling in that road during the camp.