Computer Science and Engineering

A recent survey has found that computer science career is definitely are very high paying and high flying career alternative and a smart move for students. It is a proven fact that a computer engineering career is loaded with perks. Here is a run down some of the benefits you can expect if you have already enrolled yourself for a major in Computer Science.

Abundant Opportunities – The world is teched already and computers are an integral part of every business around the globe. Therefore there are abundant job opportunities for computer science major so much so that many of the reputed computer science students are offered jobs by corporate giants even before they complete their degrees through campus placement. A survey had been done that implied that 61% of the computer science majors had full time jons on completion of the degrees and 31% of them already had job offers on hand by graduation. This was way ahead apparently better than other graduates in general.

Flexible Work Timings – Computer science Graduates do have to work a lot but many of the biggies offer flexible work timings to them besides lot of other perks like paternity leaves, work from home and time out for picking up children from school and more. Work from home is one of the best amongst all the perks as it helps the techies manage their house responsibilities pretty well and is definitely a boon for female workforce.

Perks and Incentives – It is no secret that IT people get a plethora of perks in form of incentives, travel allowances, shifting allowances, medical insurance and more. Besides, you do get tea, coffee, food and snacks available to your for free or nominal charges. To and fro pick up and drop facilities are also provided by many companies.

On Site Opportunities – In a country like India many young graduates and many married ones too look for on-site opportunities of work because that gives them a chance to live abroad in countries like USA and earn much more in dollars apparently.

Hefty Salary Packages – Now, for the bottom-line. Computer Science majors are considered to be the most high paying careers and even more computer engineering degree can get you a high paying job even at the start of your career.

So, if you are planning to taken on computer science engineering, you may well go ahead because it is definitely a smart idea. Having said that, pursuing a computer science degree does require a lot of hard work, because it is no cake walk.

Computer science – By Far the Highest Paying Career in Engineering?

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