ISRO to Launch Communication Satellite

The digital Indian campaign or program is in full swing and even ISRO is actively participating in the same taking up their part of responsibility. As a part of their communication network improvement initiative the Indian Space Research Organisation is all set to launch its communication satellite. The launch is scheduled on November 14, and the satellite GSAT 29 is to be launched. This satellite comes with two separate pay loads and is designed for improvement of the internet services under the digital India initiative. As per Sivan, the objective of the satellite was to bridge the digital divide and this Satellite, a homegrown one developed by ISRO will be carried using Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV-III) rocket to the low Earth Orbit. There are additional payloads to be managed as well which include a device used for optical communication, an experimental Q and V communication satellite as well as a high resolution camera.

The GSLV-III is a 64 ton rocket includes the series of test flights that ISRO is conducting as a part of its plan to launch a manned space mission in 2022 with the heaviest rockets of the agency under development already.

The first planned mission of India is also a manned mission carrying three people team of Indian astronauts to the low orbit Earth space on a seven day trip. Meanwhile two more launches are also planned out this year before it ends. This includes the GSAT-7A satellite which was used by the Indian Air Force as well as GSAT -11 that was recalled in April this year during the pre-flight testing at the Launchpad. This satellite is scheduled for another launch on December 4 from the European spaceport of French Guinea.

After that it’s the Chandrayaan -2 mission that is scheduled on January 3, 2019 with plans to carry the rover as well as an orbiter lander to the moon. The Chandrayaan’s lander is named Vikram in the honor of the ISRO chairman Vikram Sarabhai. The Chandrayaan-2 launch date shifted from 2016 to 2018 to 2019 due to the late changes made to it resulting into mass gain.

Well, ISRO is upto a lot of new projects scheduled during the year and in the next as well and Digital India satellite is only a part of its big plans in the offing.

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*Sourced from the Internet

ISRO to Launch Communication Satellite for Northeast and J&K Regions on November 14

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