
The Chandrayaan-2 that was scheduled to take off on July 15, 2019 at around 2.51 am from Sriharikota, its Launchpad was called off due to some technical snag. The take-off was to be live streamed on Doordarshan’s utube channle as well as tech2’s Facebook, Youtube and twitter handles 30 minutes prior to the opening of the launch window.


The spacecraft will be carrying with it an orbiter, lander and a rover. As per ISRO the orbiter and the lander modules are put together while the rover is kept inside the lander as an integrated module. This integrated module was expected to reach the moons orbit by September 6, 2019 and land on the same day.

Rover – The rover named as Pragyaan will then roll over from the lander Vikram along with its scientific instrument set for studying the lunar surface. When the Chandrayaan-2 will circle the moon, it will relay information as well as data around the surface conditions of the moon as per ISRO website. The pragyaan has six wheels and is around 20 kg in weight. Its objective is to study the moon’s surface and regolith composition.

Though Chrandayaan-2 is India’s second mission to the moon, this time the plan is to do a soft landing. Chandrayan-1 was the launched back in October 2008 and was the first mission which confirmed the presence of water in form of hydroxyl ions on moon.

There has been a lot of evidence of ice on the moon and if the volume of water here turns out to be in abundance, it could open the gateway for more human missions to the moon in order to use the water resource for astronauts.

Due to a technical snag though this mission was called off just before 1 hour from the launch time. The revised launch date is not notified as yet and will be notified later as per ISRO.

*Sourced from the Internet

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