Electrical Projects - Suggestive Projects That Work

Engineering is not just about theory and practicals, one of the challenges associated with an engineering degree is project design. Every stream of engineering requires you to do solo or team projects from time to time. However interesting it is around but a lot of effort and hard work also goes into it. Here is a run down some ideas for project project presentation in electrical engineering.

1. Home Automation
This system helps you in automation of your home appliances through a remote or mobile cellphone.
Raw Material – You’ll need an Arduino development board and a bluetooth device.
Project – The blue tooth device is attached to the arduino development board. The graphical user interface at the transmitters end is used to send commands to the receiver where loads are connected. The cellphone sends the commands which are received by the arduino board that operates loads through opto-isolators.

2. Traffic Control System
This system helps in controlling the traffic with the traffic signals remotely.
Apparatus– Programmable logic controllers (PLC’s) for monitoring and SCADA HMI for controlling the traffic control signals.
Flow – A centralized traffic control system that uses data of traffic from various parts of the city via a communication medium and monitors the information with the help of a SCDA HMI. Further it synchronizes the traffic at different junctions of roads and based on the density at the junction controls the traffic lights remotely.

3. Forest fire detection via Solar Power
The project runs with the help of zigbee communication.
Apparatus – Zigbig communication module, Transmitter circuit, smoke sensors and fire detectors, solar panel.
Flow – The transmitter circuit together with the sensors are installed inside the forest and are powers using solar panels. The zig big communication model helps in collecting and processing the data from the transmitter circuits embedded circuitry.

4. Smart Photovoltaic Solar Power Generation
It not only generates solar power but detect the maximum power generating point for optimum power generation.
Apparatus – Algorithm based software, MPPT controllers
Flow – The system uses a quadratic based algorithm for calculating the quadratic function corresponding to the optimum power point. The program based software calculates the quadratic function referring to the maximum power point using a quadratic equation based algorithm.

5. Room Light Controller
The room light controller is automatic in nature and switches the light on when someone enters and switches it off once someone leaves.
Apparatus – Two sets of IR sensors and IR LED, micro controller
This system makes use of two sets or IR sensors ans IR for detecting people entering and exiting the room. The mechanism switches on the light when the person is in and switches off when out. Additionally, it also displays the number of people entering and exiting the room.

Well, try one of these for your upcoming project assignments if you haven’t already.

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Electrical Projects – Suggestive Projects That Work

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