Is Engineering your Cup of Tea? 5 Tips To Help You Find Out

Remember as a child when friends and relatives dropped at your house and asked you what you wanted to become once you grew up. Most Indian parents have been teaching their toddlers that to become engineers or doctors when they grow up. This two fields have always topped the charts when it comes to choosing a stream post your grade 12. The fact here is and we all apparently would agree is that not all of us had the inclination to become engineer or doctor and many of us even did not have the ability. And many of us would agree that they were forced into becoming engineers or doctors against their will. Those who were good with academics are even successful engineers and doctors as on day but somewhere in some corner of their heart they aren’t happy what there doing because their interest was into art, music, sport or some other field. Then there are those who were not made for engineering at all but even were not sure of what they wanted to do. If you belong this category, the confused about career choice kinds or still in horns of the dilemma about choosing engineering as a career path, then you’ve probably landed at the right place.

1 Do subjects like math and science interest you?
A simple way is do a review of your math and science marks across grades 8 to 12. If you’ve scored well then you can be rest assured that you’ll sail the engineering course if not top it, atleast. That’s a good sign. Consider yourself eligible to take up the course if you are good at maths and science, else there’s always plan b to z available for you to choose.

2. Are you a problem solver?
This is one of the major qualities you need to have or skill sets. An engineer is always caught up in situations where critical thinking is required. If you are good at problem solving, taking up engineering as a career is a good idea.

3. Can you analyze well?
Another skill set that an engineers need to have is strong analytical skills. Every now and then an engineers need to analyze situations and come to decisions based on them. If you think you have it in you, thumbs up to you for taking up engineering course of your choice.

4. Interested in mind games?
What I mean by mind games is puzzles, chess and in short all sorts of game that make your challenge your mind. Engineering is an apt field for you if you like to spend time solving puzzles or playing games of the mind.

5. Are you a computer geek?
Well, it would not be wrong to say that the world works on computer hence computer education is mandatory now for engineers of any field not just computer engineering. Even mechanical, electrical and Civil engineers need to learn software

like CAD/ CAM for machine drawing. So if you want to be an engineer be ready to go computers.
Having said that, if the answers to the above questions are negative for you, but still you feel you want to go ahead and choose, you may. If you are a committed and hard working human, no one can stop you from becoming what you want to.

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Is Engineering your Cup of Tea? 5 Tips To Help You Find Out

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