The website confirms that Starman and Tesla Roadster have successfully completed its first orbit around the sun in around eighteen months and twelve days. Though the only regret for Elon Musk is the velocity of this car which is second to Helios 2 probe. Helios has already been able to hit a record velocity of 160,000 kph when it orbited the sun.
Well, if you want to track the Roadster or SpaceX’s Starman, you may well visit their respective websites namely and For those who aren’t aware about the starman, it’s a mannequin dressed in a space suit and inspired by a comic character. While, the touchdown to earth of the same is expected in 2047, you could be able to catch a glimpse of it in the year 2020 because it would be only 52 kms away from earth on November 5, 2020.
Furthermore there is also a possibility that when NASA will meet Starman in space in 2020 with its Mars mission. The road-star was launched in February 2018 and the car that was used was Elon Musk’s personal car. Musk stated that even as the cargo was ‘kinda silly and fun’ but it was important to be that also at times. In the month of November, Starman already passed the orbit of Mars and was heading into the direction of the asteroid belt.
As the period for which the roadstar and X-man are going to be in space is very long, time will tell if they are able to survive the harsh and radiation based conditions. Though the temperatures could rise to over 200 degree Fahrenheit, while the shaded areas could get upto 250 degrees below zero, Starman and Tesla are extremely close to the Sun just like Mars and Earth are. The car is moving through space, time will tell if it is able to survive the extreme temperatures, though the only hope seems to be the Starmans suit because it has been designed for space conditions. Only time will tell that.
*Spurced from Internet
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