The most awaited mission that was about to accomplish after the soft landing of Vikram, did not go as planned. The communication to Vikram got disrupted and vikram went silent just when it was 2.5 kms from the surface of the moon. After that ISRO started to collect data about the lander from the orbiter and other radars. As per recent updates, the vikram lander is found little away from the predetermined location and in tilted position. It had a hard landing and ISRO is trying to re-built communication with it. As per sources, the scientists are still hopeful about pragyaan rover because Vikram is still intact. The mission that has kicked off 15 years back is almost 95% successful, and if the efforts are to communicate with Vikram somehow workout, it will be an achievement that will be inscribed in golden letters. While the clock is already ticking and as times goes on, it’s going to be even more difficult to make contact with the Lander, scientists and researchers are trying their best and still have hopes.

Meanwhile, even the European Space Agency (ESA) which put away the plan of sending an unmanned mission to moon was scrapped because of fund scarcity, has said that Vikram has landed on a dangerous terrain. It had earlier also released a report earlier during the planning stage of its moon mission about the moon terrain and the issues of dust and electrostatic forces out there. These electrostatic forces could not only cover the solar panels but also could cause mechanical problems as well as be hazardous for future human landers as well.

Well, while we all hope and pray for the best for ISRO and team, the timeline of events that rolled across 15 years ever since Chandrayaan 1 was, ISRO is still learning from mistakes and even though Vikram had a hard landing or crash landing, it is an achievement. ISRO is also planning to set up its own Space station as an extension of its ambitious project gaganyaan.

Well, the nation is hoping for the best for ISRO and India that the communication between ISRO and lander is established again and the mission succeeds.

*Sourced from Internet

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Vikram Landers Communication Status – Chandrayaan 2, The Moon Mission

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