Admission Flyer for 2025 - 26          12th Graduation Day 2024          Admission Enquiry for 2025-26                                                                   

BE – Mechanical Engineering

BE – Mechanical Engineering

Mechanical engineering is one of the oldest andbroadest engineering disciplines. MechanicalEngineering is a discipline of engineering thatapplies the principles of physics and materialsscience for analysis, design, manufacturing, andmaintenance of mechanical systems. ‘MechanicalEngineering’ field is growing day by day due toincreasing requirement in Industries leading toadvances in Technology. In this direction, a propertraining for the students is needed to becomesuccessful in Mechanical Engineering. Keeping thisin mind, The Department of MechanicalEngineering started in the year 2009 with an intakeof 60 with the aim of providing quality education tothe students.

Quality Policy

We are committed to create quality professionals to meet the emerging industrial and social needs through
  • Innovative teaching
  • Applied research
  • Industrial Interaction
  • Placing faith in human values
  • Aiming at continual improvement in all activities


To Create World Class Facilities for Education and Research in Mechanical Engineering towards Changing Needs of the Society. To be recognized as a center of excellence in the field of Mechanical Engineering imparting quality technical education to mould young Mechanical Engineers to get engaged in research, design and development.


To provide the students with technical expertise in theoretical, computational and practical methods to the analysis and solution of mechanical engineering problems that prepares students for careers in Mechanical Engineering.

To achieve excellence in research to advance the science and technology of Mechanical Engineering in collaboration with industry

To develop competent Mechanical Engineer, to inculcate thorough knowledge of the fundamental principles of Mechanical Engineering which enables to set and achieve goals with a professional background and adapt to technologically changing environment and also to apply the knowledge gained for the betterment of society and environment.

Profile of Mechanical Engineering Department

Mechanical Engineering is one of the oldest and broadest Engineering disciplines, which apply the principles of physics and materials science for analysis, design, manufacturing and maintenance of mechanical systems. This field is growing day by day due to increasing requirement in Industries leading to advances in Technology. In this direction, a proper training for the students is needed to become successful. Keeping this in mind, The Department of Mechanical Engineering started in the year 2009 with the aim of providing quality education to the students. The department offers an undergraduate programme leading to B.E. (Bachelor of Engineering) and a post graduate program Master of Technology in Product Design & Manufacturing (2013-2014) affiliated to Visvesvaraya Technological University, Belgaum. The department is recognized as research center by VTU, Belgaum.

The department encourages the students to build a firm foundation through core courses, taught by the experienced faculties and then progress towards more specialized topics like Robotics, MEMS etc. The department has laid down an action plan for special training to the students in the thrust areas like CAD/CAM, Finite Element Methods (FEM), Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) etc.

The faculty members are proficient in diverse areas like Production, CAD/CAM, Thermal Engineering, Computational Fluid Mechanics, Robotics and Machine Design. Our department always supports institution-industry collaboration in the form of training, consultancy services and contract research.


Admission to undergraduate programmes in engineering shall be open to candidates who have passed Karnataka 2nd PUC / 12th standard or equivalent examination recognized by AICTE and State Government in Physics and Mathematics subjects along with Chemistry / Electronics / Biology / Biotechnology / Computer Science as optional subjects and English as one of the languages of study. Students must have obtained a minimum of 45% marks in aggregate (40% for SC/ST/OBC). The candidate must have also qualified in one of the following entrance exams: CET/ COMED-K / JEE / AIEEE.

For Diploma Holders
Diploma Holders in engineering with a minimum of 50% marks in the final examination, conducted by the Board of Technical Examination, Government of Karnataka or its equivalent, are eligible for admission to the corresponding branch of Second Year engineering. Candidates must take the Common Entrance Test (CET) conducted by the CET Cell, Govt. of Karnataka. Seats will be allotted during the centralized counselling process conducted by the CET Cell.

Admissions Process

Students who wish to seek admission to the various undergraduate programmes in engineering at ACS College of Engineering may do so via one of the following processes:

Common Entrance Test (CET) and Selection Process


COMEDK and Selection Process



Course @ Glance

  • Thermodynamics
  • Mechanics of Materials
  • Fluid Machinery
  • Dynamics of Machinery
  • Engineering Economy
  • Mechatronics
  • Operations Management
  • Hydraulics & Pneumatics
  • Heat & Mass Transfer
  • >Power Plant Engineering


The department is well equipped with the following labs,Workshop Laboratories, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory,Metallography and Material Testing Laboratory, Foundry andForging Laboratory, Metrology & Mechanical Measurement lab,Machines Shop, Fluid Machinery & Fluid Mechanics Lab, EnergyConversion Engineering Lab, Computer Aided Modeling & AnalysisLab etc.

Laboratory Facilities

Workshop Laboratories, Computer Aided Engineering Laboratory, Metallography and Material Testing Laboratory, Foundry and Forging Laboratory, Metrology & Mechanical Measurement lab, Machines Shop, Fluid Machinery & Fluid Mechanics Lab, Energy Conversion Engineering Lab, Heat & Mass Transfer Lab, Computer Aided Modeling & Analysis Lab, CIM & Automation Lab, Design Lab.

The department also provides the required facilities for the research scholars and the faculty to carry out their research work. Research areas of the department are PMC, Nanomaterials, Biodiesel Fuelled CI engines, Product Design and Development, Bio-Gas, CFD etc