Admission Flyer for 2025 - 26          12th Graduation Day 2024          Admission Enquiry for 2025-26                                                                   

Department of Chemistry

Department of Chemistry

The Department of Basic science was started in 2009 during the inception of the Institution. The Department of basic science have highly qualified, dedicated and sincere faculty members. Five faculty members are doctorate holders and the other faculty members are pursuing for their Ph.D degree. The Department of basic science offers courses for first and second year undergraduate students of all branches. The Department of physics and chemistry having well equipped sophisticated labs.

The faculties are actively engaged in research activities. Some of the areas of interest are Nanotechnology, Fluid mechanics, Differential geometry and Topology. The Department of basic science has visiting faculties of Industrial/ institute experience. Their expertise helps the students for exposure of their knowledge in research and industry.

The Department of basic science has students club “MATHXPLORE”and “Basic science forum”. The activity of the club provides a unique platform for all branches of students to exhibit their innovative ideas and creativity. The NSS activities like Blood Donation camp, Green environment activities are also being conducted for the students to create the awareness of their social responsibilities to the society.


To create the awareness about the fundamental concepts and competency by providing the essential scientific knowledge and skills, so as to be able to become competent and successful in the chosen profession.


To facilitate the students to be world class Engineers, Scientists, Entrepreneurs and Academicians.


We believe our students and their performance only can act as our perfect testimonial. So our main objective is that to impart quality education to our students with best available facilities. It is our greatest objective to obtain consistent and excellent results that would serve as our resume.


Research Collaboration Agreement

Syllabus (Chemistry Group)


Time Table

Cycle Udated Time Table