15 Aug 2019
Alumni Meet – MILANA 2019
Chief Guests : Dr. Balakrishna, Principal,Rajarajeshwari College of Engineering, Bangalore
Dignitaries : Dr. MS Murali, Principal, ACSCE Mr. Shiva Hiremath, President Alumni Association of ACSCE. Mr. DEEPAK M, Vice-President Alumni Association of ACSCE
Date : 15th August 2019
Time : 10.30 AM – 1.30 PM
Venue : Auditorium, ACSCE
The Alumni Association of ACS College of Engineering organized “ALUMNI MEET 2019”- a programme to facilitate, consolidate and coordinate Alumni Activities at ACS College of Engineering at Auditorium, ACSCE on 15th August 2019. The alumni meet is to reconnect with the Alumni and celebrate their success with various achievements. The Alumni started arriving in college around 9.30 a.m. and they were greeted by the registration team and complete the formality by filling the registration form. The Alumni Meet started with a welcome address by the alumni association president Mr. Shiva Hiremath, President Alumni Association of ACSCE.
Charitha, secretary, Alumni Association, ACSCE introduced the chief guest Dr. Balakrishna. Dr Balakrishna in his speech expressed his happiness for being part of the meet. Vishwas, member, Alumni Association, ACSCE thanked Management, ED and SO sir for providing opportunity for conducting the meet in ACSCE. He thanked Principal and Staff of ACSCE for all the support. He also thanked Chief Guest for accepting the invitation and spending his quality time. In the last he thanked his fellow alumni too in his vote of thanks. Lunch was arranged for all the Alumni.
Events List
- International Women’s Day Celebration
- Expert Talk on Soft Skills & Interview Skills Development.
- Seminar on “Embedded Systems and Automotive Software (AI & Gen AI)”
- Seminar on “AICTE Funding Opportunities and the Need for Incubation Cells at HEIs”
- Guest lecture on Advancements in Space Propulsion
- Seminar on Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
- Seminar on R&D in Supersonic Aircrafts
- Awareness on GATE Exam Guidance
- Industrial Visit to BAIL
- SDP/ Value Added Program on ANSYS/MATLAB