15 Aug 2022
Alumni Meet – MILANA 2022
Chief Guests : Mr. Sharath H P, Software Engineer II, Texas Instruments Pvt. Ltd.
Guest of Honours : Mr.Shivanand B K
Technical Application Specialist, Epicor Software Pvt Ltd
Mr.Akash Dalmia
Senior Consultant, Oracle India Pvt Ltd
Mr.Gokul Kuppuram
Dignitaries : Dr. MS Murali, Principal, ACSCE
Coordinator of Alumni Association of ACSCE,
Mr.Akash Kumar M, President of Alumni Association of ACSCE,
Ms.Chaitanyashree, Secretary of Alumni Association of ACSCE.
Date : 15th August 2022
Time : 10.30 AM – 2.00 PM
Venue : Auditorium,ACSCE
Outcome of the Event
Milana-2022, our alumni meet took place on 15th August,2022. Alumni began to come to ACS college of engineering around 8.00am to participate in the Flag hoisting on the event of 75th Independence Day.
After this, all the alumni were welcomed by the registration teams with welcome roses. This year, around 140 alumni were present from various passing out years. The event was hosted by Ms. Hemal and Ms.Jayavardhani, 1st year students.
To begin with, the dignitaries were welcomed onto the dais. A beautiful invocation song was sung by Ms. Hemal. There was a short introduction on the purpose of the alumni meet which was stated by Mr. Akash, President of Alumni association of ACSCE. Lamps were lit by our Chief Guest, Mr. Sharath H P, accompanied by all the dignitaries on the dais, to seek the blessings of the almighty.
Our principal addressed the gathering on a cheerful note mentioning that it is great to see all the alumni after a long year.The chief guest and guest of honours were introduced by another1st year student.The chief guest and guest of honours were felicitated by Principal and Alumni association members.
The guest of honours was asked to speak initially. They shared their experiences and helped all the other alumni to understand certain things. Then, the chief guest was invited to speak a few words. It was an illuminating and an enlightening speech. He mentioned some stories with wonderful morals too. This was followed by some of our alumni sharing their experiences and memories of the college life.
Ms. Chaitanyashree thanked the Management in her vote of thanks. She thanked ED and SO sir for providing opportunity for conducting the meet in ACSCE. She thanked Principal and Staff of ACSCE for all the support in conducting the event. She also thanked Chief Guest and guest of honours for accepting the invitation and spending their quality time with alumni and sharing their views with them. In the end, she also thanked the alumni for attending Milana-2022.
Lunch was arranged for all alumni on the 4th floor.
Events List
- International Women’s Day Celebration
- Expert Talk on Soft Skills & Interview Skills Development.
- Seminar on “Embedded Systems and Automotive Software (AI & Gen AI)”
- Seminar on “AICTE Funding Opportunities and the Need for Incubation Cells at HEIs”
- Guest lecture on Advancements in Space Propulsion
- Seminar on Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
- Seminar on R&D in Supersonic Aircrafts
- Awareness on GATE Exam Guidance
- Industrial Visit to BAIL
- SDP/ Value Added Program on ANSYS/MATLAB