1 Apr 2016
Career opportunities in Aerospace Industries
Organized by : Department of Aeronautical Engineering
Resource Person : Air chief Marshal S.N.Moorthi
Date & Time : 1/4/2016 & 11:00AM -12:30PM
About the Programme:
NALTECH Private Limited was set up in 1993 as the business front of the National Aerospace Laboratories (NAL). NALTECH has been given the mandate to Commercialize and Market the technologies developed from time to time by NAL and assist NAL in every possible and conceivable manner to make use of the technologies developed. The event was conducted on the recent development in aerospace engineering Design and Development specially concentrated on the young minds of ACSCE. The main content of the program was on Career opportunities in Aerospace Industries which was held successfully by ACSCE .Inspection of labs, Equipments and MoU sign up discussed in the event.
Events List
- Workshop on “Effective Sales and Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs/Start-ups”
- Training Program on IEEE and EBSCO Resources subscribed through the VTU Consortium.
- Alumni Talk on “Role of Biomedical Engineer at Corporate Hospital and Neonatal”
- Career Exploration Session on Powering Your Global Education Dreams
- A session on “Innovation Process Development”
- Student Development Program Year 2022-2023
- Seminar on Skills Training Programme for Biomedical Engineering
- Photography & Short film production
- Webinar on Python based dose,volume calculation from structure sets of patient images from CT scanners
- RRMCH Hospital Visit