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5 May 2023

CSI Inauguration, Technical Symposium and Project Expo 2023

Department of Computer Science and Engineering, ACS College of Engineering has conducted CSI Inauguration. The main Objective is to make an occasion unforgettable with exclusive events for students for their knowledge to gain by them with a strong practical approach and more innovation. Department of Computer Science and Engineering also conducted State Level Technical Symposium called ‘NIRVANA 2k23’ on May 5th 2023 this is to provide students a placed where their can showcase their skills and explore more of their talents and ideas. NIRVANA 2k23 has Technical and Non Technical Events where Technical Event had Web Hub, Technical Paper Presentation and Zero Error Coding and Non- Technical Event has Complete the Lyrics, Mini cricket and Chess. Department of Computer Science and Engineering has also organized Intra Level Project Expo 2k23 in ACS College of Engineering for Computer Science students to showcase their ideas, skills and ability to overcome the real world problems.

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