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21 Jun 2024

Industrial Visit to “HAL Museum” at Bengaluru

Name of the Event : Industrial Visit
Place of Visit : Hindusthan Aeronautics Ltd Museum, Bengaluru
Date : 21.06.2024
Time: 9:15 am to 3:00 pm
No. of Participants : 30 Students (II year students) + 3 Faculty members.
Report :
The industrial visit is organized to visit HAL Museum, Bangalore. Total of 30 students from the Second year Aerospace Engineering and 3 staff members have participated from Aerospace Department, ACSCE. The industrial visit has been started at 9.15 am from college campus in college bus and reached the destination at 11 am. The students visited and experienced the following features of HAL Museum:
  1. There are two major halls, one displaying the photographs that chart the growth of aviation in each decade from 1940 till date and a Hall of Fame that takes the visitors on an exciting journey through the Heritage of Aerospace & Aviation Industry in India.
  2. The second Hall highlights the various functions of an Aero Engine by displaying motorized cross sections of various models of Aero Engines. Real Engines such as Garret (for Dornier Aircraft), Adour (for Jaguar Aircraft) and Orpheus (for Kiran Aircraft) can be seen here along with Ejection Seat with Parachute; and Pushpak & Basant Aircraft.
  3. Outdoor display of Aircraft such as MARUT, MIG-21, HT-2, KIRAN, CANBERRA, AJEET, LAKSHYA (Pilotless Target Aircraft) & many more.
  4. A Unique exhibit is the ATC Radar parched with L Band surveillance Radar having a range of 200 nautical miles which rotates at speed of 3-4 RPM, with the frequency of 1250-1350 MHZ and Meteorological Radar. In addition, PSLV model & PSLV Heat shield are displayed to give a glimpse of forays made by the country in space technology.

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