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24 Oct 2017

Industrial visit to Rashtrotthana Blood Bank

Biomedical Department of ACSCE organized an Industrial visit to Rashtrotthana Blood Bank on October 24.2017.

Sl .No. Time Event Faculty coordinator
1 10:45AM Faculty & students departed from ACS college of engineering
2. 11:45AM Faculty& students arrived at the blood bank and were seated in the building. Mr. Hemanth Kumar G Mr. Naveen T S Dr. Anitha S Mrs. Vamshadeepa
2. 12:30PM An introduction about the blood bank was given by Mr. Eshwar and demonstrations were proceeded with. Dr. Anitha S Mrs. Vamshadeepa Mr. Naveen T S Mr. Hemanth Kumar G
3. 1:00PM Students were shown the various sections of the blood bank and the printing press of the Rashtrotthana association. Dr. Anitha S Mrs. Vamshadeepa Mr. Naveen T S Mr. Hemanth Kumar G
4. 4:00PM Students dispersed after an interactive video session.

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