31 Mar 2017
Math Quiz
The Department of Mathematics under the Mathematical Club ’Mathxplore’ had conducted the Math quiz on March 31st 2017.
Date : March 31st 2017
Venue : Seminar hall-5 ACSCE
Number of Participants : 35 Groups
About the Programme:
In the afternoon of 31th March we had Math quiz finals. The Prelims were held on 30th March 2017.More than 35 groups of all semesters and all branches Participated in the event, Six groups were through to the finals.
The events were conducted by faculty coordinators Deepa, Shruthi and students coordinators. Three groups were declared as winners. The cash Prize and the certificates were distributed to the winners, Participants and the volunteers.
Distrubuting of certificates and prizes for the winners and club student coordinators.
HOD thanked all the faculties, student coordinators, Participants and a mention of special thanks to Raghavendra.k faculty coordinator of the club for his effort in organizing the club events.
Events List
- International Women’s Day Celebration
- Expert Talk on Soft Skills & Interview Skills Development.
- Seminar on “Embedded Systems and Automotive Software (AI & Gen AI)”
- Seminar on “AICTE Funding Opportunities and the Need for Incubation Cells at HEIs”
- Guest lecture on Advancements in Space Propulsion
- Seminar on Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
- Seminar on R&D in Supersonic Aircrafts
- Awareness on GATE Exam Guidance
- Industrial Visit to BAIL
- SDP/ Value Added Program on ANSYS/MATLAB