18 Jul 2022
Mathxplore- Mathematical Club
Date : 18th July 2022
Time : 10:00 AM
Venue : Seminar Hall
MATHPPT-2022Sem: Even semester
Date of the event: 16/07/2022
The Power point presentation of MATHXPLORE activities was conducted on 16th july 2022 with the topic “Mathematics in Modern Technology”. Around 18 groups registered for the event. All the participants gave a nice power point presentation.
The topics of engineering mathematics like matrices, Fourier series, Fourier transforms, Laplace transform, differential equations concepts were used in explaining the technology of GPS, barcode, pixel, satellite etc. the event was helpful in enhancing their self learning and communication skills.
Date of the Event:16/07/2022
Math collage was conducted on 16th July 2022. The Topic was “Applications of Mathematics in Modern Technology”. Around 14groups participated in the event.
Event name: Technical TalkSem:Even
Date of the Event:18/07/2022
Department of mathematics under MATHXPLORE club regularly conducts technical talk. Dr Suma P S, Prof. and Head of the mathematics department, Cambridge Institute of technology delivered the talk on “ Role of Mathematics in Engineering applications”. It was held on the 18th july 2022
The technical talk was both motivational and informative.
she explained that mathematics is not complicated but mathematics simplifies the complicated subject. The various applications of the differential equation such as heat transfer, biomedical applications,environmenatl applications such as CORONA were briefesd.
The talk was helpful in motivating the students to develop an interest in mathematics and thereby knowing the role of mathematics in technology.
MATHXPLORE club had conducted two events Mathcollage and PPT. The guest Dr.Suma gave the winners the certificates and the cash prize. To encourage the fast learners, the toppers of mathematics in I and III semester were also awarded the appreciation certificates.
Events List
- International Women’s Day Celebration
- Expert Talk on Soft Skills & Interview Skills Development.
- Seminar on “Embedded Systems and Automotive Software (AI & Gen AI)”
- Seminar on “AICTE Funding Opportunities and the Need for Incubation Cells at HEIs”
- Guest lecture on Advancements in Space Propulsion
- Seminar on Composite Materials for Aircraft Structures
- Seminar on R&D in Supersonic Aircrafts
- Awareness on GATE Exam Guidance
- Industrial Visit to BAIL
- SDP/ Value Added Program on ANSYS/MATLAB