1 Sep 2020
Orientation Program
Speaker : Dr. H. B. Bhuvaneswari, Prof & HOD, Dept. of ECE, ACSCE
Date : 1st September 2020
Co-Ordinated By : HOD,ECE
Participants : ECE Students & Faculty members.
No. of Participants : 100 Students
About the Program
- 1. Dress code to be followed.
- 2. Respect towards higher ups/Parents/teachers.
- 3. Faculty/ students Volunteers of various committees were introduced.( symposium, Cultural and sports events).
- 4. Finalization of student Chairman/ Vice chairman/Secretary was elected.
- 5. Instructed students w.r.t Ragging, in-time, out-time, attendance were strictly informed.
- 6. ERP was explained.
- 7. Importance of attendance in lab, shortage of attendance, Counsellors were updated to all students.
- 8. Dr.Mathivanan discussed w.r.t Projects and R&D activities.
- 9. Prof.Bharathi Guru raj discussed about Internships.
- 10. Nagesh sir discussed about how we have planned about symposium.
- 11. Class teachers were introduced.
Events List
- Workshop on “Effective Sales and Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs/Start-ups”
- Training Program on IEEE and EBSCO Resources subscribed through the VTU Consortium.
- Alumni Talk on “Role of Biomedical Engineer at Corporate Hospital and Neonatal”
- Career Exploration Session on Powering Your Global Education Dreams
- A session on “Innovation Process Development”
- Student Development Program Year 2022-2023
- Seminar on Skills Training Programme for Biomedical Engineering
- Photography & Short film production
- Webinar on Python based dose,volume calculation from structure sets of patient images from CT scanners
- RRMCH Hospital Visit