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20 Jul 2023

Session on IPR and IP management for Startup – 2023

Date : 20/07/2023
Time : 02.00pm
Venue : 4th Floor AE Seminar Hall
Resource Person : Dr.G.Vinoth, Startup Designer, Pongu ventures
No of Student Participants : 52
No of Faculty Participants : 02

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About the Event:
Department of Aeronautical Engineering in coordination with Innovation Cell organised a Session on IPR and IP management on 20th Jul 2023 for Aeronautical and Aerospace Engineering Students. The program was started at 02.00 PM with the welcome speech and introduction about the guest by Dr.G.Ramanan, HOD-Aeronautical Engineering. The resource person explained about IPR, what IPR means? What are the types of IPR? Where and how the application forms to be filled? What is there requirement of IPR? What is intellectual property? A property which has been created by exercise of intellectual faculty, innovation, literary, artistic works, etc. Anything that can be created using brain it’s called IP.

Why is Intellectual property rights required? Intellectual property rights are required to avoid commercial exploitation and help us to gain recognition. For a common person it is a matter of pride and is used for academics purpose and in terms for a business man it is used for commercialization and it is very much important to in business point of view. At the end of the session the participants were interacted with resource person. The session ended with vote of thanks proposed by AE faculty Mr.Satish Hiremath.