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9 Mar 2016

Technical Talk

Topic: Corrosion and Its Control

Organized by: Department of Basic Science(chemistry)

Resource Person: Dr. Pruthviraj R.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, RajaRajeshwari College of Engineering, Bangalore

Date & Time: 9/3/2016 & 02:00 pm

About the Programme:

We have conducted an Invited Talk under the banner of Lecture Series 2015-16 on topic entitled “Corrosion and Its Control” for first year BE students on 09th March 2016 at 2.00 PM. Dr. Pruthviraj R.D., Associate Professor, Dept. of Chemistry, RajaRajeshwari College of Engineering, Bangalore accepted our invitation and given an wonderful lecture on the above mentioned topic. Dr. Pradeepa S.M., Asst. Professor, Dept. of Chemistry stood as the event Co-ordinator and successfully well organized this function. All the first year staffs and students were participated enthusiastically.

The programme begins with welcome address by Dr. Pradeepa S.M, and he welcomes all the dignitaries to the stage. Dr. Bhavyashree has given a brief introduction about the chief guest.

During the talk Dr. Pruthviraj, has discussed about the corrosion of metals/alloys by environmental factors and control measures of corrosion by making use of inhibitors like many organic compounds. Finally, he explained about the importance of corrosion prevention and advanced research progress in the concerned field.

After the completion of the interaction with the students M.S. Shivakumar gave the vote of thanks to the management, Chief Guest, Students, and all the Teaching and Non-teaching staffs who have supported the function directly or indirectly. At last the function ended with the National Anthem.

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