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25 Mar 2019

Three Days Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp

Topic : Design of Shafts

Resource Person : Dr. Naganagouda & Mr. K. Devraj, Deputy Director, MSME, Mr. SunilKumar, Co Founder and Managing Director Transopar Private Limited, Prof. Sunil raj B.A,

Date : 25th March to 27th March 2019

Time : 9.30 a.m.

Venue : Seminar Hall

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About the Programme:

The Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp was conducted at ACS College of Engineering; Bengaluru in seminar hall for 3 days from 25th March to 27th March 2019, with the support of EDII, DST, Government of India, The event creates awareness among students about various facets of entrepreneurship while highlighting the merits of pursuing such a career option.

25th March 2019

The programme started on 25th March 2019 at 9.30 a.m. with the inaugural address by our beloved principal Dr. M.S. Murali in the presence of chief guests Dr. Naganagouda and Department Head of the Department Dr. H.S. Siddesha, The program Cordinator Mr. Sunilraj B.A, address emphasized the need for entrepreneurship and highlighted how the entrepreneurial eco-system has changed in recent times.

Dr. Naganagouda, who was the chief guest and resource person, started the second session of the day on “Historical background-Indian values vis-a-vis Entrepreneur ship and the present scenario”. The afternoon session on the first day was taken by Mr. K. Devraj, Deputy Director, MSME, Government of India on “How to start a SSI unit” and “Support and financial assistance from Govt. agencies, Banks, Financial Institutions, and SFCs”

26th March 2019

The second day of the camp i.e. on 26th March 2019 started with a session on “Creativity in Entrepreneurship” by Mr. SunilKumar, Co Founder and Managing Director Transopar Private Limited. He explained the students the process of creating value proposition, evolving a business model and delivering the value to the customers by using innovative ideas. The last session of the day was on “Mechanism of product selection and technology-assistance from R&D labs” by Dr. Vijay Kumar, Head of the Department, Industrial Engineering Department, JSSATE. He explained about the contribution of R &D labs in the invention of new product

27th March 2019

The concluding session of the camp is concluded by the program coordinator Prof. Sunil raj B.A. along with certificate distribution.

On the last session of the camp, the students visited “Accutech Private Limited”, peenya, Bangalore, which bring the students in direct touch with practicing entrepreneurs.