22 Feb 2019
Date : 22nd February 2019
Time : 09:30 AM
Venue : Auditorium, ACSCE Campus
No.of Participants: 121 CSE Students + Staff
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A one-day technical event on “Unix Founder’s Day” was organized at the auditorium on Friday, 22nd February 2019 at ACS college of engineering, Bengaluru. Prof. Dr M.S.Murali principal of ACS college welcomes the participants and introduced the programme to all. The seminar was chaired by Dr. T. R. Gopalakrishna Nair, Rector, RRGI and Sri. C. N. Seetharam, CEO, RRGI.On account of Unix Founder’s Birthday, Kenneth Thompson was born on February 1943 at New Orleans, Louisiana. They call him “Ken”, he is one of the creator of UNIX operating system and co-inventor of the “C” language. On occasion of his birthday we have celebrated Unix Founder’s Day in the department of Computer Science and Engineering, ACS College of Engineering, Bengaluru.
The chair person spoke briefly on Unix founder and also told about programming skills what students require to compete in the emerging technical world. He motivated the students to eagerly participate in the events.
The events conducted on Unix Day was Rectification, Decoding, Unix shell Scripting and Quiz to exhbit the students inner knowledge. The technical event was very interesting and gave the opportunity to show the talent of students in Programming. In these days without the programming knowledge no one can survive in the technical world.
The basic idea of this event is to enhance the student participation in technical events and reveal their inbuilt knowledge which they have. Basic shell programming had 3 rounds with first round with multiple choice. In this round they had shell commands to be chosen among the given option for a particular command. Second round is of shell scripting where the students can write scripting in unix language. Third round is the advanced one of second where students can win only if they have the real knowledge of shell scripting.
Decoding event is based on C language. Total of three rounds with initial of single line decoding, second round is multi line decoding and final round is to decode the program and get the output in vi editor. Real talent of coding is needed to win this event.
Rectification is another event which also had three rounds. Initial round is multiple choice questions which should be answered in google forms. Second round is to rectify the errors in the given snippet. Final round is the decision of winner who rectifies the code in short span of time.
Final event is Quiz. Two participants per group is allowed in this event where pure technical questions of Unix and C were prepared and students also eagerly participated in this event. Second round is of buzzer round with technical questions of commands and output prediction. Third round is a rapid round with group of question to a team. This decided the winner of this event.
The program was successfully concluded with prize distribution by the judges and ended with a formal vote of thanks to all the participants in the event.
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Events List
- Alumni Talk on “Role of Biomedical Engineer at Corporate Hospital and Neonatal”
- Career Exploration Session on Powering Your Global Education Dreams
- A session on “Innovation Process Development”
- Student Development Program Year 2022-2023
- Seminar on Skills Training Programme for Biomedical Engineering
- Photography & Short film production
- Webinar on Python based dose,volume calculation from structure sets of patient images from CT scanners
- RRMCH Hospital Visit
- Seminar On “Research Skill and Practice”
- Workshop on “Product and Technologies identification in MSME sectors under self employment opportunities”