12 Jan 2022
Webinar on Internship, Project and Job Opportunities for Aerospace and Aeronautical Students
Resource Person : Mrs. R Srinithya, Managing Director,iJET Aviation
Date : 12th January 2022
Time : 10.45 AM
Number of Participants : 70 Students
About the Program :This Webinar on “Internship, Project and Job Opportunities for Aerospace and Aeronautical Students”was organized to impart the knowledge on Students of Aerospace Engineering in various arenas aerospace and aeronautical engineering Internship, Project and Job opportunities.
The Program was started at 10.45 AM with the welcome address by Dr.V.Paramaguru Associate Professor introduced the resource person Mrs. R Srinithya. The resource person handled a very interesting about the Internship, jobs and projects available in various sectors like
- Government,
- NSOPs,
- Drone & Core designing,
- Airports,
- Airline,
- Manufacturing companies,
- MROs.
At the end of the session, students interacted with the resource person to clarify their doubts in the topic and the resource person motivated the students to look into the various organization like DGCA MROs. Students expressed their gratitude that the program was highly informative and interesting. Finally the Guest Lecture ended with the vote of thanks.
Events List
- Workshop on “Effective Sales and Marketing Strategies for Entrepreneurs/Start-ups”
- Training Program on IEEE and EBSCO Resources subscribed through the VTU Consortium.
- Alumni Talk on “Role of Biomedical Engineer at Corporate Hospital and Neonatal”
- Career Exploration Session on Powering Your Global Education Dreams
- A session on “Innovation Process Development”
- Student Development Program Year 2022-2023
- Seminar on Skills Training Programme for Biomedical Engineering
- Photography & Short film production
- Webinar on Python based dose,volume calculation from structure sets of patient images from CT scanners
- RRMCH Hospital Visit