12th Graduation Day 2024          Admission Enquiry for 2025-26                                                                   


10 Dec 2022

World Biomedical Engineering day Celebration

Event 1:
Talk by the resource person on Recent Trends in Biomedical Engineering.
Resource person: Ms.D.Srimathi Niranjana, Alkon Laboratories India Pvt Ltd, Bangalore.
Importance of a biomedical engineer was explained by the resource person. The Students were made aware of recer.t trends in biomedical field. Also they weie guided with respect to the various job opportunities as a Biomedical Engineer.

Event 2:
Poster Presentation by students.
Theme: “Biomedical Engineering-A multi disciplinary approach to health care”
Students made posters on the topic given and were awarded with prizes. Also the posters were displayed in classroom and the resource person was impressed with the ideas behind the poster preparation and presentation.

Event 3:
Stalls for measurement of parameters
Stalls for measurement of parameters SPO2, Blood Pressure, BMI Entire college participated in this event and got their health parameters (stated above) checked.
View Event Report