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7 Apr 2022

World Health Day Celebration

Resource Person : Dr. R. Prema, Professor, Department of Pediatrics, Rajarajeswari Medical College and Hospital, Bangalore.

Date : 7th April 2022

Time : 12:00 PM

Venue : IV Floor Seminar Hall

No.of Participants : 73 Students + 11 Faculty members.

About the Program

The Department of Aerospace Engineering has organized an awareness session on “Healthy Youth – Healthy Planet” in view of World Health Day celebration on 07th April 2022. This program was organized to inculcate the importance of Health education to improve students’ knowledge about physical, mental, emotional and social health. It motivates youth to improve and maintain their health, prevent diseases, and avoid unhealthy behaviors.

The Program was started at 12:00 PM with the welcome address by Ms. Sangeetha, Student representative, Third Year Aerospace Engineering and introduced the resource person Dr. R. Prema. Dr.R. Mukesh, Head of the Department, Aerospace Engineering greeted the Chief Guest with the bouquet and memento. The resource person handled a very informative and eye-opening session on how to lead a healthy life style in adolescence phase of the life. She has highlighted the following points.

  • Nutrition
  • High risk behavior
  • Mental Health
  • Effects of Media Usage in self – health
  • Sustainable Development Goals
  • Body Mass Index chart

At the end of the session, students interacted with the resource person to clarify their doubts. Finally the Guest Lecture ended with the vote of thanks by Mr. Nandhakumar, III Year student.

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