27 Jul 2021
Yoga to Stay Healthy During these Covid Times
Resource Person : Dr Vidya M J
Date : 27th July 2021
Time : 03:00 PM
View Event ReportYoga is essentially a spiritual discipline based on an extremely subtle science, which focuses on bringing harmony between mind and body. It is an art and science of healthy living. Many experts have recommended yoga for women to help them successfully cater to the multiple demands on their time. Yoga does more for women than just make their bodies supple. It lends balance to the mind and nourishment to the soul. That is why women should not consider yoga as another chore on their overloaded schedule but as a necessary activity that will help them handle their other obligations optimally.
Department of CSE and ECE with the help of SHE committee members of ACSCE, provided the opportunity for girl students and lady faculties of ACSCE by organizing a webinar “Yoga to stay healthy in these covid times”.
Event was organized and conducted on 27/07/2021 @3pm through online platform using Microsoft teams
The session began by seeking the blessings of the Almighty by chanting the mantra” Asatoma sadgamaya” followed by welcoming and introducing the speaker by Ahwini A M, Assistant professor, Dept. of ECE.
The yoga instructor, Dr. Vidya M J, took yoga session with great dedication. Students participated with full interest, enthusiasm and eagerness.
Initially a presentation was given and discussed health problems faced by people during covid times like poor physical health, fear of infection and lack of information about the disease, frustration and boredom in homes etc. she also discussed problems of female adolescents like gaining weight called obesity, growth of facial hair known as hirsutism, irregular menstrual cycle called amenorrhea which is caused by genetic problem, eating engineered junk food, having food addiction towards packed food items.
One of the important root causes is lack of physical exercise. So, the problem can be treated by performing yoga Asanas which improves the functions of chemical messengers known as hormones in our body.
The session concluded with an interactive session between the instructor and the participants in which the queries were addressed satisfactorily. The session was very refreshing, reviving and relaxing.
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