This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Dept of Mechanical Engineering organizing Webinar on Tailor-made Nanomaterials for Applications in Sensors, LEDs, and Water Remediation on 5-06-2020
Dept of CSE organizing Webinar on Digital Marketing Overview and its effectiveness for Educational Institutions on 04-06-2020
Dept of AE & AS organizing Webinar on Emerging Global Trends in Space Systems on 01-06-2020
Dept of CSE organizing Webinar on Webinar on Opportunities in IT Hardware Sector on 01-06-2020
CTDS organizing Webinar on VLSI Front End on 30-05-2020
Department of AE & AS organizing Webinar on Post COVID-19 Challenges and Opportunities for Aerospace Engineering on 29-05-2020
Dept of CSE organizing Parent Teacher Partnership During Covid-19 on 29-05-2020
Dept of AS organizing Webinar on Grid Fin Aerodynamics on 28-05-2020
Dept of BME organizing Webinar on Higher Education in Germany on 27-05-2020
Dept of CSE organizing Webinar on Artificial intelligence a boon or a bane on 26-05-2020