This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Inauguration of First year B.E on 5th September 2018 at 11:00 AM
ACSCE Organizing First Year Induction Program – NSS on 04-09-2018
(AICTE) and (IIWM) sponsored the WECON (WOMEN ENTREPRENEURSHIP CONCLAVE) on 3rd September 2018
Congratulations! Your graduation ceremony is a celebration of your achievement
Department of Biomedical Engineering organized a Technical Talk on Research Paper -The Do How Organizing on 29-08-2018.
Dept of Mechanical organizing Students Awareness Program An Oversea Study on 29-08-2018
ACSCE Organizing First Year Induction Program – Yoga on 28-08-2018
CSE department V, VII SEM students are writing Intel internship Online Test on 27th August 2018
Department of CSE, ACSCE has conduct the induction program for first year student.
Dept of ECE organizing Seminar on Soft Skill development on 21-08-2018