This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Dept of ECE organizing Technical talk on Robotics and IoT on 20-08-2018
ACSCE Organized One Day Workshop On Quality Management Systems On 17th August 2018
Dept of Mechanical organizing Industrial visit – Government Tool Room & Training Centre on 14-08-2018
ACSCE Organizing First Year Induction Program Inauguration on 13-08-2018
Dept of ECE organizing Awareness Program by Alumnus on 11-8-2018
Dept of CSE Organizing Technical Talk On Machine Learning and AI on 07-08-2018
Dept of Aeronautical Engineering organizing Workshop on 3D printing Technologies on 6-08-2018
ACSCE is proud to announce that Ranked No.48 in the India’s Top 50 Engineering College Ranking 2018
CENTRAL RESEARCH LAB Organizing National Workshop on Scientific Technical Paper Writing on 20-07-2018
Dept of CSE organizing Faculty Development Program on PO, PSO, CO Attainment on 20-07-2018