This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
We are glad to announce that Biomedical Engineering has successfully signed an MOU with Complete Dental and Healthcare on 16th October 2017.
NSS & Biomedical Department of ACSCE Organized a Rally & awareness programme on “Say No to Crackers” on 17-10-2017
Dept of CSE organizing Workshop on DBA- Mini Project on 16-10-2017
Mechanical Engineering Organizing Guest Lecture on Principles and Applications of Non-Traditional Machining on 14-10-2017
Department of Biomedical Engineering, ACS College of Engineering has organized the inauguration of the Biomedical association “BLAZE” for the year 2017 on 13th of October.
Dept of ECE organizing Technical Talk on Recent Technologies in Electronics on 6-10-2017
Dept of ECE organizing Technical Talk on UI/UX Studio on 25-09-2017
Dept of Aeronautical Engineering organizing Career opportunities in Aerospace, Aviation and Defence on 25-09-2017