This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Department of EEE Industrial visit to Central Power Research Institute (CPRI)
One day student development program was organized for Civil Engineering pre-final and final year students on 20.09.2016
A guest lecture on Auto steel software was arranged for final year students of Civil Engineering on 01.09.2016
Mechanical Engineering conduced an invited special talk on ‘Solar Energy Startups by Dr.D.Kiran, CEO, MEDIDART Bengaluru
The NSS Unit of ACSCE has organized an Eye Donation Awareness program in association with RRMCH, Bengaluru, on 24/08/2016
NSS Unit of ACSCE has conducted a Plantation Camp on 23/08/2016 in ACSCE College Road.
NDRF is happy to announce the 47th All India Student Design Competition – 2016 on behalf of the IE (I).
Graduation Day celebration for the Year 2016 is on 20 August 2016,
7th Semester Mechanical Engineering Students visited Railway Wheel Factory Yelahanka on 20th August 2016