This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Dept of ECE organizing Webinar on Career Planning for Future Engineers on 11-06-2021
Dept of BME organizing Webinar on Introduction to MAT LAB on 10-06-2021
Dept of Mechanical Engineering organizing Webinar on Prerequisites to be Design Engineer on 10-6-2021
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on Indian NavIC and other GNSS research analysis and challenges on 5-06-2021
Dept of ECE organizing Webinar on Campus to Corporate on 5-06-2021
Dept of ECE organizing Webinar on 3D Printing Technology on 5-06-2021
Dept of BME organizing Webinar on Evolution On Metallic Bio Implants on 5-06-2021
Dept of Aeronautical Engineering organizing Webinar on Missile Aerodynamics on 5-06-2021
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on Design Perspectives in Morphing Wings an Overview on 4-06-2021
Dept of ECE organizing Webinar on E-Mobility on 3-06-2021