This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
We’re excited to announce a comprehensive #Corporate_Training_Program tailored for our 7th-semester students, designed to enhance their aptitude and readiness for the professional world!
Our EEE Student Branch invites you to celebrate IEEE Day 2024 with us on October 29th! It’s a day dedicated to the spirit of innovation and collaboration that IEEE represents globally.
Celebrating the 93rd Birth Anniversary of the visionary Dr. APJ Abdul Kalam with KALAM-93, a National-Level_Inter-College_Fest that fuels innovation, passion, and dreams!
Hosted by the ACS Institution’s Innovation Council, this session is a golden opportunity to sharpen your problem-solving skills and unleash your creative potential
The technical seminar titled “Indian Space Programme- Past, Present and Future” was organized to enhance the knowledge of Aerospace Engineering students in the Indian Space Programme.