This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Bio Medical Engineering Organizing hospital visit to Anatomy Lab at RRMCH on 05-10-2018.
The Department of Biomedical Engineering organaised a hospital visit for the third year students to Department of Ophthalmology , RRMCH on 5th October 2018.
Dept of Mechanical organizing One Day Workshop on Automation on 05-10-2018
Dept of ECE organizing Guest Lecture on Mechanics of Materials on 4-10-2018
Dept of ECE organizing Guest Lecture on Aero Thermodynamics on 3-10-2018
Department of Mechanical Engineering organizing TECHNOMANIA 2K18 on 29 September 2018
Department of ECE Organizing Workshop on VLSI Design on 29-09-2018
Dept of AE was organized The Seminar titled “Evolution of Avionics” on 28.09.2018
Dept of ECE was organized “Technical Training on C” on 27.09.2018
Dept of Civil Organizing Technical Seminar – Climate Change & Water: Vulnerability & Adaptation on 26-09-2018