This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
The NSS Unit of ACSCE is organizing the Voluntary Blood Donation Camp on 25th September 2018 @ 9.00 AM
Dept of AE was organized The Technical Talk titled “Basics of Space Mechanics” on 25.09.2018
Dept of Computer Science & Engineering organized Seminar on Campus to Corporate at the Seminar Hall 1 on 26-09-2018
RRGI is glad to inform that it is observing ‘The Foundation Day’ commemorating the Birthday of our beloved Chairman Dr.A.C.Shanmugam on September 22, 2018 Saturday at 11:00 am.
ACSCE Invitation for one day seminar on “Cloud Computing” on 20th September 2018
ACSCE Inauguration of Association (BLAZE 2018-19) on 20th September 2018
Dept of Computer Science & Engineering organized Seminar on Cloud Computing at the seminar hall on Thursday, 20th September 2018
It is an immense pleasure to share with, that Rajarajeswari Group of Institutions has donated an amount of Rs. 20,00,000 (Twenty lakhs) for the Kodagu Relief Fund.
ACSCE Alumni Association invites you for the memorable event, Milana to be held on 8th September 2018