This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
ACS College of Engineering Organizing IISc Extended Lecture Programme on 28-08-2017
Dept of ECE organizing Technical Talk on Recent Trends and Career Awareness Program in Embedded Systems on 22-08-2017
ACS College of Engineering Organizing IISc Extended Lecture Programme on 21-08-2017
Industrial Visit to Accutech Enterprises by III year Mechanical Engineering Students on 19th August 2017
Dept of Bio Medical Engineering organizing Technical Talk on Dengue Prevention on 19-08-2017
CSE is organized Technical Talk on “Ethical hacking” on August 18th 2017.
ACSCE Organizing Entrepreneurship Awareness Camp on August 17-19, 2017
ACSCE cordially invite you for the the Inauguration of 1st Year BE Classes on 09th August 2017
Dept of Mechanical Engg organizing 3 day workshop on Writing Research proposal, IPR & Patenting on 31st July to 2nd August 2017.
A three day national workshop on writing research proposal, IPR and patenting under ISTE Chapter was organized from July 31 2017 at ACSCE.