This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
National Youth Day is celebrated on 12 January being the birthday of Swami Vivekananda. In 1984 the Government of India declared this day as National Youth Day
January 9 was chosen as the day to celebrate this occasion since it was on this day in 1915 that Mahatma Gandhi, the greatest Pravasi, returned to India from South Africa
World Braille Day is observed on January 4 every year to mark the birth anniversary of Louis Braille, the inventor of Braille language.
Dept of Civil Engineering organizing How to get success in GATE Exam on 4-1-2021
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes everyone a Happy New Year on 01-01-2021
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on Introduction to Advanced Electronics in Aviation on 29-12-2020
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on Introduction to Advanced Electronics in Aviation on 29-12-2020
Dept of BME organizing Webinar on Aspects of Biomedical Engineering on 28-12-2020
Dept of Aeronautical Engineering organizing Webinar on Gender issues in Education on 28-12-2020
National Consumer Day is observed every year on December 24 to spread awareness to about consumer importance, their rights, and responsibilities.