This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes International Civil Aviation Day on 07-12-2020
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes Indian Navy Day on 04-12-2020
World AID’s Day, observed each year on 1st December
Department of Aeronautical Engineering organizing Webinar on Training and Career prospects of STK Software on 28-11-2020
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on System Tool Kit Software on 27-11-2020
Dept of Aerospace Engineering organizing Webinar on System Tool Kit Software on 27-11-2020
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes National Law Day on 26-11-2020
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes Universal Children’s Day on 20-11-2020
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes World Citizen Day on 19-11-2020
RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions wishes National Journalism Day on 17-11-2020