This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
ACSCE organizing Aarohana 2022 on 24-06-2022
Celebrated on 23 June each year, recognizes the value and virtue of public service to the community
The International Olympic Day is a day dedicated to sports and fitness every year on June 23
World Music Day is celebrated on June 21 every year to honor the musicians and singers for the gift of music
International Yoga Day celebrates the physical and spiritual prowess that yoga has brought to the world stage.
Raise awareness of the plight of refugees around the world and of the efforts to protect their human rights.
Please watch the Arani Sri Venkatachalapathi Temple Kumbhabhishekam live stream
ACSCE organizing Annual Sports Meet 2022 on 17-06-2022 & 18-06-2022
Raising awareness of the cultural, social, economic and demographic processes affecting elder abuse and neglect
The aim is to raise global awareness of the need for safe blood and blood products