Admission Flyer for 2025 - 26          12th Graduation Day 2024          Admission Enquiry for 2025-26                                                                   


Moogamibigai Charitable and Educational Trust, was founded in 1992 with the main objective of Promoting Higher Education in Karnataka. Various professional institutions like Medical, Dental, Nursing institutions and functioning under the aegis of the Trust generally termed as RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions. RajaRajeswari Group of Institutions was established by our founder Chairman Dr.A.C.Shanmugam, B.A.LLB, FIMSA, FRCPS (Glasgow, UK), his pioneering vision and mission has contributed for the establishment of valued educational institutions. ACSCE was established in the year 2009. Chairperson’s motto is “To Create Job creators not job seekers”.


Engineering the future of the nation by transforming the students to be technically skilled managers, innovative leaders and environmentally receptive citizens.


To implement holistic approach in curriculum and pedagogy through Industry Integrated Interactions to meet the needs of Global Engineering Environment. To develop students with knowledge, attitude and skill of employability, entrepreneurship (Be Job creators than job seekers), research potential and professionally ethical citizens.

Quality Policy

  • Provide Quality Technical Education in Undergraduate, Post Graduate and Doctoral fields as per the university syllabus and beyond in strict compliance with AICTE requirements and Industrial Needs through industry institute interaction.
  • The quality Education encompasses the needs and expectations of all interested stake holders with a strong focus on student centric approach and providing them 360ºexposure and making them globally competitive.
  • The main focus would be to enrich the students with character and make them employable and successful in their lives by inculcating life employability, entrepreneurship skills and provide ethical values, ensuring that our institution creates employers not employees.
  • We will strive consistently to achieve these through building competencies among faculties and students and continual improvement of the QMS.