This page is your destination for all news and events happening in ACS College of engineering. This page will be regularly updated, according to the program schedule
Bio Medical Engineering Organizing hospital visit to Anatomy Lab at RRMCH on 04-11-2019.
ACSCE Congratulates the winning the 1st position in the poster presentation event “IEEE Day” -2019 on 24-10-2019.
Dept of ECE organizing The magic of switch words and healing on 19-10-2019
Department of Aeronautical Engineering organized KALAM’S DAY Celebration on 17-10-2019
Aerospace Engineering organizing Seminar on Small UAV’s – Growing Opportunities in Universities Seminar on 17-10-2019
Department of CSE organizing Seminar on User Interface Design on 15-10-2019
Aerospace Engineering organizing Aerovision – NMIT Visit on 14th & 15th October 2019
ACSCE & RRCE cordially invite you for Partners Meet 2019 on 12-10-2019
Department of Aerospace Engineering organizing Seminar on Introduction to GNSS on 24-09-2019
Dept of ECE organizing Seminar on AI and its Application in Industries on 3-10-2019