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Post graduate students, Research Scholars, and Professionals from educational institutions, R&D centers, Government and Professional organization and industries are invited to contribute papers and participate in the conference.
Full length research papers on the mentioned themes/topics are invited in softcopy for the presentation as well as for publishing in the conference proceedings / International Journal indexed in Google scholar with DOI. The maximum number of pages per paper should not exceed 14 with portrait page orientation in A4 size. Softcopy of the paper should be compulsorily sent to acsrace2021@gmail.com.
Acceptance of the paper will be intimated after the review and at least one of the authors of the accepted paper must register by sending the DD or by paying before the last date.
1.Registration from Authors/Delegates : Rs. 500/-
2.Registration from for PG students : Rs. 300/-
3.Registration from for UG students : Rs. 200/-
Registration Payment can be through GOOGLEPAY
9840453574 / 8722511956
Once registration fee payment is done fill the google form
Google Form
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